Monday, 16 May 2011

Washing your hair can make you feel so much better....

Last weekend I had a night out with friends, which isn’t unusual for a 24 year old on a Saturday night. However I was staying with them, again not unusual for myself, unfamiliar to these surroundings I felt I had to make more of an effort to “fit in” with the locals; this could be to do with the fact that the town was a student town which wasn't “my” student town, extra effort had to be made!

So the night started off great,

all dressed up and great to go, hair had been curled, time taken to apply makeup, and outfit carefully selected days before, I was good to go and par-tay!

However something wasn’t right, I couldn't put my finger on it, and it wasn’t due to the people making me feel unwelcome, nor was it that I felt out of place, it was because I HAD NOT WASHED MY HAIR!

I felt conscious and not quite 100% ready! However the night went on and I had a fab time, especially dancing to old student tunes like, Nina Sky and Wayne Wonder!

The next day after a healthy breakfast and all packed up to go, I took a shower and, yep you guessed it...washed my hair! It seemed that I instantly felt GREAT! And also commented on my facebook how “washing your hair after a night out makes you feel so much better!” which got me thinking of the South Pacific Film- where Nellie Sings – “ I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair,” where her problem seemed to get better.

As soon as her hair was washed, she caught the eye of an admirer! This is not to say that once you’ve washed your hair it’s a guaranteed tool for meeting a man, but it got me thinking to the benefits of how you feel once you’ve washed your hair.

Also when I’m having a bad hair day, I’ll always say to friends “hello, ignore the hair!” as if they were analysing me in the first place!

But be it job interview, a night out, a break up or even to cheer myself up, give washing you’re hair a go! It’s out greatest asset!

Willow Smith did not bring the song out for nothing! Not does Cheryl Cole promote – “ 5 Star care for Great British Hair” for nothing either.

So next time you’re having a bad day, or have broken up with some one, or just want to make yourself feel better- it’s simple- Wash Your Hair!

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